Sunday, September 23, 2012

Cleaning Vinyl Siding

As far as starting my cleaning... I occasionally get these random bursts of energy and enthusiasm (usually after a long Pinterest session)  But this time I am starting a blog to hold me accountable and follow through.

My last cleaning burst was last weekend when I realized how dirty the vinyl on my house was! I had slugs crawling all over it and leaving squiggly little marks in all the layers of dirt! 

So I took a bucket of water, white distilled vinegar and some laundry detergent along with a mop (a scrub brush would have worked better if I had one) and scrubbed it!

And now it's shiny white and good as new!

1 comment:

  1. It really looks new! Having a clean environment is always an advantage, not only for home owners, but also for the structure of the house. Anyway, it’s a good thing you saw it and able to clean it immediately before any problems occurs such as mildew that came from plant residue or dirty debris.

    Kylee Groves
